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We just got back from the movies!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

We saw "Leatherheads" with George Clooney and Rene Zellweger. It was a fabulous show! Of course, watching George Clooney roll around in the mud would make it a good movie no matter what! I really didn't know if I would be all that interested in a movie about the beginnings of pro football, but I was willing to give it a shot. I'm so glad that I did! It was so entertaining! It had the feel of an old movie, with some kind of slap-stick stuff, 1920's music and just that kind of clean, fun movie feel... one that doesn't need cuss words (although there were a couple)or nudity or crass behavior. Plus, did I mention that George Clooney was in it?
I give it 8 puppy paws up.

I also thought that I'd mention that I went to my endocrine doctor on Thursday. It's been almost a year since I was diagnosed with Addison's Disease. It's so hard to believe how incredibly sick I was before the brilliant doctors at UNMC figured out what was wrong with me. Anyway, I'm doing well and instead of going into see her every three months I now only have to see her every 6 months! She also decided to adjust my meds. My blood work showed that I am taking a bit too much of my thyroid medicine. So, I'm going to back a bit off of that. I've also gained over 20 pounds since last year and almost six since my last appointment with her. She thinks it's highly possible that I'm on too high of a dose of steroids. So, starting today I decreased my dose from 5 mg's to 4 mg's. Well, it seems to be helping. My appetite and/or hunger has already decreased. Plus, interestingly enough, I'm now having more Flolan side effects (joint and muscle pain and nausea). You may be thinking that I should be glad that I wasn't having those side effects and be upset that I've had them today. But, those symptoms are the reality of Flolan and taking too many steroids was masking that and taking too many steroids is just not good for my body.

Well...It is now Sunday and I realized I never got around to posting this Friday night! My poor, poor brain! Well, just pretend that you read this Friday night and it will all make more sense.

I thought you'd like to see how the "babies" are growing!


Thank you for reading.

2 comments to We just got back from the movies!!:

Wendy's Mom said...

I thought I was going nuts. I knew that I had looked at your blog yesterday and there was not a post and then today it said Friday on the post. LOL!
I am glad you are getting to back off the steroids and yes taking them will cause you to gain weight and feel hungry ALL THE TIME, so it is a good thing you get to back off some. I am sorry about the Flolan side effects. I hope that maybe in a few days the dose of steroids you are now on with help mask the symptoms of Flolan again. I wish I could offer more suggestions but I do not know any,

Now for the babies! They are precious. Asa looks huge in that picture, but Haver looks like a little sweet angel. Gee, if only they could sleep all the time. LOL!!


Becoming Catholic said...

They are getting big...Leatherheads looks cute, but I am not a G. Clooney fan...can you imagine? I think I am the only female that is not too keen on him...but I like the guy from "The Office" and I like movies about the "good old days"...glad you had fun though :)