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Just stopping by to say "hello!"

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Not much happening around here. I went to school yesterday and helped with reading tests. I also went this morning. I can't believe how incredibly smart these kids are! Every child I tested was reading significantly above grade level. I guess it's a good thing I'm not teaching right now. I was always intimidated by the "smart ones!"
I'll go back tomorrow and help again if I'm feeling ok. These poor teachers are up to their eyeballs with things to do and they only have a few days left in the school year.

Last night was a blast!! Kathleen came up from Lincoln and we went to see, "Menopause, The Musical!" This was, by far, the funniest show I have ever seen!


It is a story told about 4 women going through "the change." They tell the story through revamped songs from the 60's and 70's. For instance, the song "My Guys" is turned into "My Thighs." If you are in Omaha, I would highly recommend that you go to see it! It will be here for 4 more weeks!

Subject change:
You might remember seeing this picture before. It shows the little doll that I "won" from the claw machine at Village Inn.

Well, it took a long time until they dug "the guy" out of their toy box. All I can say is that I'm really glad that we had a "before" picture!

Thanks for reading!

3 comments to Just stopping by to say "hello!":

Colleen said...

Oh my goodness, there's been a massacre at your house!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

OMG..Those boys are viscous...
LOL..Never a dull moment around there..

Glad you are able to help with the kids:))
Sounds like a cute musical , even though I am not at that point yet..LOL
Take care

Barbara Howard said...

I hope you are feeling better now. I have those days when I can go to walmart and not have to use any oxygen and some days I can't make it without it.
I do not have any idea how you can handle those two dogs by your self.
There is no way I could do that, there are two here and they run me all over the place when I go to the mail box LOl