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The Three "H" Way to Create a Crabby Annette

Friday, August 17, 2007
1. HEAT-

My lungs hurt, I'm short of breath and I'm darn crabby about the whole thing!

But, on a happier note it is "Date Night" and Rod and I are going to go see the new Nicole Kidman movie, "Invaders!" It's going to be a creepy movie, but, buttered popcorn and Diet Coke makes any movie a great movie!!

Thanks for reading.

3 comments to The Three "H" Way to Create a Crabby Annette:

Jacqniel said...

The heat and humidity do a number on my lungs, too. Yuck! Enjoy that movie!

Colleen said...

Enjoy the movie, Annette! Let us know just how creepy it is!!

Nita said...

Hey Annette, missed reading your blog. What an exciting vacation you had! I like your busy life full of interesting events too...thanks for sharing:) My lungs hurt also on hot and humid days. Enjoy the movie! Yum buttered movie pop corn sounds good with diet Coke.