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Swine Flu, Regular Flu or just a COLD???

Monday, October 12, 2009
My poor, dear sweet husband is battling his second round of a "bug attack!" This one has left him exhausted. But, he is on the uphill climb for this round at least. Over the last couple of weeks he has repeatedly said, "I hope you don't get this." I reminded him that between 27 years of teaching the princes and princesses of contagious bugs and all of the meds that I'm on, I usually don't get these seasonal problems. Plus, I got a flu shot a few weeks ago. I evidently didn't "knock on wood" enough, or got too cocky or didn't wash my hands enough, or just got unlucky because I now have "the bug." This lovely gift comes with a headache, stuffy nose, muscle aches, low-grade fever and extreme tiredness. I don't know what it is, but it has certainly hit the Markin household. Besides Rod and now me, Nick has had it, Kara now has it and even Chris in Chicago has it! Rod and I spent the weekend sleeping. In fact, Asa and Haver also slept an unusual amount of time this weekend. I suppose it's possible for dogs to get the flu. I actually saw a piece on the news where owners were trying to get flu shots for their pets! So, who knows? I can say that I'm feeling much better than I did this weekend. At least I can concentrate enough to post a little bit on this exciting blog! So, keep your fingers crossed that all of us will kick this bug to the curb a.s.a.p.!

Don't you just love Maxine?

Thanks for checking in.
Thanks for reading.

cough, sniffle, cough...

ps. I forgot the cutest thing...a couple of weeks ago at my Wednesday morning ladies bible study, this "young lady" in her 90's said she wasn't going to get "that hiny flu shot." I said to her, "Wanda, it's H1N1," She said, "I know, but doesn't it look like it's says, 'hiny?' Plus, it's a lot more fun to say "hiny' than "H1N1!"
Let's pray that we all stay "Hiny Flu" free!

4 comments to Swine Flu, Regular Flu or just a COLD???:

Bonnie said...

Hang in there Annette. I hope you feel like yourself again soon. Drink alot of sweet tea and good homemade broth, that always makes me feel better.
I'll say a prayer that this is the last one for you and Rod.

Your PHriend,


Katie said...

I have it, too!!! Apparently it runs in the family... Feel better soon! --your loving niece

Colleen said...

Well, crap! You and Rod need to get better soon, and Rod needs to stop catching these bugs!! I know we all need to share things, but please let him know that the germy bugs are something he should just not share with you! Get well, my phriend! Take it easy, sleep as much as you need to, and have some yummy soup!!


Anonymous said...

Hope you & Rod are both feeling better by now..
I know funny thing Manny has had the "Bug" and our dog Hurley has been napping with him ,just like he knows or he is feeling bad too..;))..I been having some Sx but hoping I can keep it away...
Take care Cutie ;))

Hugs :))