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Dear Faithful Readers..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I've been "dragging my keister" for the last few days. I don't know if it's the PH, the Addison's, the fact that I'm an old woman and it's hot outside...but..whatever it is, I've not been able to get anything done.

Tonight I'm going to attend a new bible study with my friend Martha. Also, Chris is driving home on his motorcycle today and will be home for a couple of days.

So, I'm going to take a little break. But, I promise I'll be back on Friday, June 18th.
Thanks for your understanding.

Thanks for checking in.
Thanks for reading.

6 comments to Dear Faithful Readers..:

Colleen said...

Enjoy your break, I'll miss your posts! HUGS!!

Di said...

Take all the time you need to refill your bucket. I will look forward to your return when you are ready.
hugs, di

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your visit with Chris and we'll be glad to hear from you soon. Take care!
Love, Donna

Kathleen said...

Love you, little sis

Unknown said...

hang in there...and your keister too :)

Anonymous said...

See ya didnt make it back yet..Hope you had a great visit with Chris..Tell Rod Happy Fathers Day!

Rest up my PHriend..the heat will do us in...even us youngens..LOL

Hugs :))