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Please know, I'm fine and dandy....just taking a break...

Saturday, May 8, 2010
I've been feeling lots better and am so sorry to be gone for so long....I promise to be back very soon with some great stories and pictures....

Thanks for checking in.

7 comments to Please know, I'm fine and dandy....just taking a break...:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better ...Hope ya had a great Mothers Day..
Miss seeing ya Cutie ;))
Take care..hugs :))

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you. I was getting worried .

Bonnie, NV said...

Take care of yourself first Annette we understand. We just miss hearing from you on your lifes travels and visits.{{{{{Hugs}}}}


Annette said...

Jen, thank you so much for checking in and not giving up on me! I hope you also had a nice "Moms Day!"

Annette said...

Bonnie, thank you so much for posting. You are such a sweetheart. Your support means so much to me!

Annette said...

Anonymous...is that you Lisa?

mkoverly said...

I also have pulmonary hypertension and try to live as full of life as I can. I do know what your going through and wish you the best of luck. God Bless.