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I've forgotten to share good news about Mason!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
He's out of the hospital. Here's a copy of what he posted recently on the PHA website. I need to thank you all and make sure you all realize how powerful your prayers are!
Hi all,

Im finally back home. What a experince it was. A brief review of it what happened while i was there was, respiratory failure, kidney failure, internal bleeding, c-diff. I spent 10 days on the vent and about 15 in icu. I think about 21 or 22 days altogether. I Have never been so weak after waking up from the vent. I couldnt even move myself in bed about a 10 days ago and now can stand on my own and walk a few feet. Alot of work to go but making progress. Thank you all for your support. I will post more when im a little more alert. I still get dizzy and tired fast.

Thanks for reading.

1 comments to I've forgotten to share good news about Mason!:

Nancy said...

Isn't it awesome to see the power of prayer?

Hope you are doing well. Are you still going to the KnitWits meetings? What are you working on now?