Along with all of you, I've been following the horrendous situation unravel in Haiti. There are no words to convey the sadness and heartache that comes with seeing the pictures and hearing the cries... I have no idea what I can write about this tragedy that would be helpful, insightful or meaningful. The only thing I know that I can do is pray and to look for reminders that God is with the Haitian people just like he is always with us. I found reminders of His presence outside this morning.
I certainly found it when I looked at the pictures I took of my friend's baby, Savannah, wearing the hat that I knitted for her...
And, yes, I could even see God's presence and His love while I watched Asa protect Rod's boot and Haver "relax."
As a matter of fact, after looking at Haver's picture again, I would have to say that God also has a very good sense of humor!
The last few years while I was teaching first grade at Black Elk Elementary, our principal would write a newsletter that he sent to all of the families. At the end of every newsletter he would remind parents to "Hug your children." I think those are excellent words of wisdom when you go to bed tonight and realize how lucky we are to live in the United States.
Thanks for checking in.
Thanks for reading.
2 comments to Sorry about being gone for a couple of days....I got bit by a bug!:
Yes Annette you can see God in everything. We finally had all of our snow melt but a new storm is coming through this week so we will have a winter wonderland again.
The hat you made for your little friend is very nice and she is so cute.
Take care Annette and feel better soon.
Amen to everything you said!
hugs, di
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