Asa and Haver Markin! Asa is on the left. He is a little lighter color and a bit lighter- weight wise. He probably weighs about 32 pounds. Haver (prounounced haa-vair) is a bit darker and weighs about 35 pounds. They are brothers who were born on August 29th, 2007 somewhere in Nebraska. (They told us and I can't remember....maybe Spencer?) We were trying to figure out some perfect names. We talked about focusing on one of the places we've visited on our trips. I got on the internet and found some favorite dog names from different countries. We really enjoyed out trip to Israel and so I checked out those names. That's where we got their names. Asa means "healer" and Haver means "friend."
So, you may be asking yourself how all of this excitement came about. We have really been missing Charlie. Instead of getting easier, everyday seemed to get harder. So, we decided last night that we really needed a dog. We also decided it would be best to get two again. So, on the way the the Pathology Christmas party last night, we stopped at the humane society. We found 4 labs. I spent the rest of the night trying to explain to Rod why 4 dogs was too many! Anyway, I called the Humane Society this morning to ask about the adoption rules. I was told that you can only adopt one pet at a time, unless the dogs were already together. There was a 30 day waiting period between adoptions. So, that idea didn't work. Then we thought about Tully's Kennels here in Omaha. We got Charlie and Oscar from Tully's and were very pleased with their facilities and of course, we loved Oscar and Charlie. So, we went there and checked things out. They had quite a few lab puppies, mostly chocolate and black. Then, the lady who sold us Oscar and Charlie ten years ago, told us about three older yellow labs, a sister and two brothers. They were a bit older and were living in the larger kennels and were already working on being house-trained. So, we asked to see the brothers and within an hour we were driving home with the new Markin brothers!
I'm worried that I might be too old to be a mother! Haver has already figured out how to climb over the baby gate that we have blocking off the laundry room from the kitchen! But, Rod is so very happy, as you can tell by the next picture. I'm just planning on resting as much as I can when he is home and things will be fine. If worse comes to worse, I'll just shut the door to the laundry room and have them sit on my lap one at a time. In fact, Asa seems happiest when He's on my lap or when I am scratching him.
Well, I've got to find something to eat. I just wanted to share the good news!
Thanks for reading!
5 comments to Introducing.....:
Oh honey, I am so happy that you are a mommy again and Rod is the proud daddy.
You are right, its not any easier as time goes by not having Chelsee here and I know you felt that way about Charlie too.
You sound so excited explaining them to us, I am silly, I'm crying...not sure if its because I am happy for you or sad for me because I couldn't commit to another dog. I'm just not healthy enough right now to train a dog.
But, Bootsie is such a joy.
Those are beautiful dogs and I love the names. Did they feel they would be able to adopt out the sister too.....hey Annette, does Rod want THREE dogs, hehehehehe!!!
Just kidding.
You all take care and enjoy the new additions to the family. How beautiful they will look with red bows on their necks running around the Christmas tree. You need a picture like that honey. :-)
Thank you so much for sharing with us once again. I love it!!!!
Much love and many hugs and blessings,
Sue :-)
Annette, Asa and Havier are adorable!!! I am happy for you and Rod, that you now have "kids" again in the house. I am sure they are happy to have parents! I think it's good you adopted older dogs, puppies would definitely have been alot of work. Thank you for sharing with us!!
Colleen :)
Wow!! I'm sooo jealous! They are adorable looking and of course I'm sure they're perfect angels. Will I be able to see them if I make it to your house on Saturday? Carie and Chad can't come but I'm going to try my hardest. See you then.
I think having dogs is so great. I have two that I love dearly and I cannot imagine life without them...I am sure Charlie would love these two...they are so cute...have fun and have a Merry Christmas. When did you go to Israel? I have always wanted to go there...bye :)
Did I tell you how soon it was after we lost Hook that we got Brody? Not even a month! He helped us heal so much- as I am sure your 2 new ones will. We had him with us when we spread Hook's ashes in the backyard.
Start carrying tiny puppy treats in your pocket all the time- you will be surprised how a little treat will help them learn how to do those steps quickly!and know you as the pack leader in many other ways too! Have fun!
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