I was actually suppose to go to the dentist about a month ago. But, the appointment was scheduled for just a couple of days after my fight with gravity. So, I rescheduled, obviously without thinking.
Anyway, I've been going to this dentist for over 5 years. About a year after getting diagnosed with PH, I realized that I needed to "put my teeth in the hands of a professional" who had some kind of experience with patients with "unique" physical issues. This man and his staff came highly recommended and have always been very understanding and on top of their games.
So, imagine my surprise when I sat down in "the chair" and had the hygienist say, "You're the one that can't lay flat, right?" (Many if not most of us with PH can't lay flat. It is very uncomfortable and really makes it difficult to breath.) I said, "Yes." And, she promptly lowered the chair and flattened it to the point that my head was actually lower than the rest of my body! I held onto the sides of the chair and sat up the best I could, fighting gravity since the feet on the chair were so elevated! I said that I couldn't lay like that. She didn't apologize at all as she reluctantly move the head back up to a more comfortable position. She then announced "I can't do this procedure! I can't work with the chair in this position!" I turned to her and said, "Fine. I'll be more than happy to leave and schedule with someone else. She back-peddled to the point where she thought she could do it.
The whole cleaning was filled with snarky remarks about how difficult this was for her...blah, blah, blah...At one point she did notice that it was my birthday. She joylessly told me "Happy Birthday" commenting on hating to "get old." (She was at least my age if not older.)I told her that I was THRILLED to turn 55! That I was not supposed to live past 52-53, so I look at every year as a celebration! She didn't say a word, but went back to her job, complaining the whole time!
By then I had decided for sure to tell the dentist what happened. He had been taking care of me for years. Except for this broad, I've always had excellent hygienists and have never had any problems. So, Dr. X came in, said a couple of nicey- nice things and then said, "Annette, why can't you lay flat?" Oh For Heaven's Sake!! He proceeded to complain. But, by now I was so livid that I blocked both of them out and tried to visualize finding a new dentist! When he was finished and tried to move me on for his next appointment, I asked him, "Why, after 5 years, there is now a problem and complaints about my inability to lay flat?" Back-peddling began again, with him trying to tell me it wasn't anything to "stew" about. I continued to fantasize about a new dentist.

So, here's the deal. It's hard enough living a good life with this disease and it's restrictions. But to have two professionals make a big stink out of it, is very disheartening. Maybe I'm too thin-skinned. I don't know, but, I was very upset and felt that unique ache of having my feelings hurt. Plus, IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY!!!.
Now, onto last night.........
Many of us are experiencing some wild spring weather. You might have pets that get nervous and might need a little extra TLC. Well, Haver the Fat needs lots of reassurance and is only happy when he's on the lap of an adult.
Yes, Haver hurt my body! The hardest part was sitting there with "His Wackiness" cuddling in fear for about 45 minutes! My legs were really going to sleep!!
Yeah, I know. There's no way to get mad at this guy. But, when the storms continued until about 2:30 a.m. I can honestly say he did lose some of his appeal!
OK, that's all for now.
Thanks for checking in.
Thanks for reading.