Look at this interesting drift outside our kitchen window!
Because of all of the snow and the road conditions, many Christmas Eve and most Christmas Day church services were canceled. Our church did have the 5:00 Christmas Eve service, but, YOWZERS! It was so cold!
After church we had our usual Christmas Eve dinner with Rod's brother's family (wife, two daughters and one son) and with Rod cooking his delicious prime rib dinner. Chris, of course was here, as were Nick and Kara. So, even though it was really awful outside, it was warm, cozy and smelling good inside!
Here's Nick fixing his "gourmet" sausage/cheese/crackers snack.
Rod and his brother enjoying a post-dinner laugh. (Rod is on the right...they kind of look alike...)
Chris and Deoje entertained us with a song...."ROWL-ROWL-ROWL-ROWL"
Christmas day was very quiet. Nick had to work at the hospital and Rod got the stomach flu!! Chris used the big John Deere tractor to attempt to clear the driveway. Between the huge amount of snowfall and the high winds, we had drifts that were easily 4-5 feet high! Then, Chris, being Chris, decided he needed to go see a movie! So he took his big Ford pickup to the movie theater and watched "Avatar" in 3-D with about 7 other people in the entire theater! When he came home, the county snow plows had driven past our property and kindly pushed a butt-load of snow back into our driveway! It took him 4 attempts to get into the driveway!!
But, the snow fun didn't end there! Chris, being Chris, convinced me that I should go to another movie with him. I really don't know what (if) I was thinking! Since he had a little trouble with his truck, Rod suggested we take his giant Hummer out into the tundra! It was absolutely crazy out there! There were cars in ditches, in mediums, in front yards...pretty much everywhere but the street! At one point Chris hit a slick spot and we drove right into a 5 foot drift! He just laughed and said, "Isn't this fun? Mom, are you ok, you don't look like you're having fun!" How observant! We eventually made it to the theater and really, really enjoyed George Clooney in "Up in the Air."

It was a great movie with a fabulous message (a sort of sad ending) and an absolutely gorgeous George Clooney!

The movie was extra interesting to those of us who live in Omaha because quite a bit of the movie was actually shot here in Omaha. In fact, George's character (yes, we are on a first name basis) was actually living in Omaha!!

I would highly recommend this movie, giving it 8 puppy paws up!!
When we got home, the "lovely" snow plows decided to visit our driveway again! Even with the GINORMOUS Hummer, it STILL took FOUR tries to get up the driveway! I told Chris that my wild "Snow Bunny" days were over and promptly went inside, mixed and switched my Flolan and went to bed!!!
I'll be back later.
Thanks for checking in.
Thanks for reading.